Address: Theological library Maribor, Slomškov trg 20, SI-2000 Maribor
+386 590 80 145 – head libraryan (Leja Borovnjak)
+386 590 80 146 – lending department (Marjetka Tuš)
Telefax: 0590 80 133 (TEOFLJ. Unit Maribor)
How to find the materials on the WEBSITE:
For extending the loan period, use the "My Library" icon, enter your membership number and assigned password.
Library Order:
The membership card for borrowing is also valid in other higher education libraries and the University Library Maribor. These libraries are subject to common rules regarding the dates of the loan and the payment of reminders.
Enrolment conditions: age over 15 years; index or identity card; registration fee, membership fee. Users without a permanent residence in the RS need a guarantor to be able to borrow materials for home use.
The loan period is 3 weeks for books; 1 week for video and audio tapes. Magazines and Journals are available in the reading room or for loan at home.
Extension of the loan: in person, via COBISS + (password required) or by phone.
You can extend loan for up to 3 times.
The full text of Library Order is available at lending department and on the Library's website.
Open (loan and reading room):
Monday 8.00 – 15.30 (in the period of the lectures)
Tuesday 8.00 – 14.00
Wednesday 8.00 – 14.00
Thursday 8.00 – 14.00
Friday 8.00 – 14.00
Monday to Friday 8.00 - 14 (June, Sept., holidays)
Monday to Friday 8.00 - 12 (July, August)
Acess to the material: The library is organized according to the principle of free access.
Theological library Maribor is a faculty and special library, primarily intended for the students of theology and professors of the Faculty of Theology. It is also used by the Pastoral Workers of the Archdiocese of Maribor, students of the Catholic Pastoral School and others interested in theological or other humanistic literature. Considering that the library is included in the KISUM system (University Library Net), it is widely open to all students of the University of Maribor. The students of humanistic orientation at the Faculty of Philosophy and students of the Faculty of Law in Maribor visit it the most.
Structure of library fund: books around 86.000 titles; periodic 480 titles (theology 70 %; philosophy 7 %; psychology, pedagogy, sociology 7 %; art 5 %; history 6 %; fiction 5 %).
Special collections: Biblical archaeological collection; Manuscripts, rarities; Music collection; Video, audio tapes, CD-ROM.
- Co-operative Online Bibliographic System & Services (COBISS). The library was one of the first library in Slovenia to be a member of COBISS system (since 1988), is computerized and connected with other libraries in Slovenia and worldwide;
- other online databases.
Reading room have 20 seats with five computers with access to the Internet.
History of Theological library Maribor
When in 1859 the Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek transferred the seat of the Lavantine diocese to Maribor, he founded the High School of theology and the Lavantine Theological Library. The year 1859 is thus considered as the funding year of the Theological Library Maribor, which has been renamed several times through history. In 1903, the diocesan synod led by Bishop Michael Napotnik issued basic provisions on librarianship in the Maribor diocese (Actiones et constitutiones synodi diocesae ... Marburgi 1904, 846-7). In 1986, the modern open-type library Diocesan Theological Library among the first in Slovenia entered the new library system COBISS, and in 1994, the bishop of Maribor, dr. Franc Kramberger put the library into use by the Department of Faculty of Theology Ljubljana, which is a member of the University of Ljubljana. The library is vital within the three institutions: the founder and owner of the library is the Archdiocese of Maribor, and is largely used by the students of the University of Maribor; administratively it belongs to the University of Ljubljana. In 1999, the library published a book about the 140 year history of the Theological Library. Today it is included in Slovenian and international networks of scientific libraries; in addition to borrowing it organizes exhibitions, lectures, engages in international projects, and it is active on social networks.