Current projects

BIOSEM - Resources for teaching bioethics in high school: Project web-pageIntroduction

VR4Empathy - Virtual Reality to strengthen student’s Empathy: Project web-page; Introduction

AI-THOS - Innovative training methods for nurturing a culture of ethics and research integrity in AI era: Introduction


Ended projects

LOOP - Emprowing teachers personal, professional and social continious development through innovative peer- induction programmes: spletna stran; predstavitev

PLATO's EU - Philosophical Learning Applied to Online Surroundings in EU: spletna stra; predstavitev 

INTEGRITY - Empowering students through evidence-based, scaffolded learning of Responsible Conduct in Research (H2020): Project web-pageIntroduction

SHOUT - Social Sciences and Humanities in Intersectoral Outreach for Better Education and Sustainable Innovation (Erasmus+): Project web-pageIntroduction

EDUC8 - Educate to build resilience (ISFP): Project web-pageIntroduction

JEAN MONNET MODULE - Challenges for the European Union: Identity, Values, and Dialogue (Erasmus+): Project web-page

BEAGLE - Bioethical Education and Attitude Guidance for Living Environment (Erasmus+): Project web-pageIntroduction

ETHOS - Ethical education primary and pre-primary schools for a sustainable and dialogic future (Erasmus+): Introduction

ETHIKA - Ethics and Values Education in Schools and Kindergartens (Erasmus+): Introduction

LITTLE - Learn Together to Live Together (Erasmus+): Project web-page 

AVAL - Added value learning for Preschool Teachers & Pedagogical Coordinators (Erasmus+): Project web-page; Introduction 

ETHICS OF SPORT - Integrating Ethics of Sport in Secondary School Curriculum (Erasmus+): Project web-page; Introduction 

IRC - Centre for human - Centred Artificial Intelligence and the Ethics of New Technologies: Webpage; Introduction