The study of Religiology and Ethics gives the greatest emphasis to the humanities or philosophical, ethical, spiritual, theological and religious concepts of life, interpersonal relationships and gives the masters of the Religiology and Ethics programme a broad basis in this field for further education and work. Students get acquainted with the methodology in the field of religious research, the relationship between religions, ethics, media, etc.
Masters of Religiology and Ethics with a completed university programme in Theology and Religious Studies are employable as pastoral assistants and professional pastoral workers. With additional training they are employable in the field of social services, educational institutions and public administration. A broad interdisciplinary education enables them to work in the political field, in the media and in publishing houses. As connoisseurs of religions and cultures, they are successful in public relations services and organize cultural and other events.
Basic information:
Place of implementation: Ljubljana
Credit points: 120
Duration: 2 years
Professional title: »Magister/magistrica Religiologije in etike« (Master of Religiology and Ethics)
- ability to acquire, select, evaluate and place new information and knowledge and the ability to interpret
- development of observation, analysis, synthesis and critical evaluation
- knowledge of the importance of quality and striving for the quality of professional work through autonomy, (self) criticality, (self) reflectiveness and (self) evaluation in professional work
- use learning and research resources autonomously
- development of the ability to express, represent and argue their position in dialogue, with emphasis on progressive conflict resolution
- development of communication and empathic skills
- the ability to look scientifically at the family and marital phenomena and to write about them scientifically
- ability to solve theoretical and practical social, especially family and marital problems using scientific methods and procedures in the field of family and law
- ability to feel and react to the needs of the environment (spiritual, social, cultural and political)
Presentation of Study Programmes (2021/2022)
Programme Administrator: Assist. Prof. Mari Jože Osredkar, PhD.