Basic information:

Place of implementation: Ljubljana (in connection with UL FF) and Maribor (in connection with UM FF)
Credit points: 180
Duration: 3 years
Professional title: »Diplomant/diplomantka teoloških študijev« (Graduate of Theological Studies.

The first cycle double-honours university study programme Theological Studies is an interdisciplinary approach that primarily extends to the field of theology and, indirectly, to the fields of philosophy, sociology, psychology and ethics. Globally, however, the programme is based on the biblical and theological dimensions of life, whereby is understood in the light of the Christian tradition. In this paradigm, humans as a social or spiritual beings always transcend the captivity of the moment. In this perspective, the programme's philosophy places humans at the centre of the educational process in the given moment and situation. Graduates of theological studies acquire basic knowledge of the religious, ecclesiastical and social situation in Europe; they become acquainted with the possibilities of ecumenical, interfaith dialogue and develop a sense of theological issues in contemporary culture.


Hermeneutic, cognitive, theoretical, methodological, technical, linguistic, personal, communicative


  • as pastoral clerks (undertaking certain tasks at minor religious events; assistant in the parish or dean's office; performing other tasks in accordance with instructions and work qualifications);
  • in the field of religious activities and church services (participation in pastoral teams, work in the field of preaching the Gospel, performing administrative activities, participation in the bodies of religious communities);
  • in the field of charitable and social welfare activities
  • in the field of cultural activities (management of cultural activities, work in archives, documentaries, librarianship (newsletter, borrowing), cultural heritage management);
  • in the field of public administration and political activities (work in political parties);
  • in the field of media (reporters, moderators, announcers);
  • in the field of publishing (editors, assistant editors);
  • in the field of management (public relations, tourism, organization of cultural and other events, work on human resources development).

Presentation of Study Programmes (2021/2022)

Programme Administrator: Prof. Janez Vodičar, PhD, and Assist. Prof. Mateja Pevec Rozman, PhD