Basic information:
Place of implementation: Ljubljana
Credit points: 300
Duration: 5 years
Professional title: »Magister/magistrica teologije« (Master of Theology) Abbreviated: mag. theol.
Theology is an interdisciplinary study that combines other humanities, such as history, anthropology, philosophy, cultural studies, archeology, biblical sciences, psychology, sociology, educational and rhetorical sciences, etc. It is a study with a long tradition that includes a broad classical education, in order to make it easier to understand humans in the light of theological findings both from primary sources and from the tradition of theological sciences. The study programme Theology is the basic programme of the Faculty of Theology, which we implement in the spirit of tradition and connection with the needs of the environment and employers (Slovenian Bishops' Conference and religious communities of Slovenia).
Hermeneutic, theoretical, social, pedagogical-educational, practical and communicative
Graduates are employable within the activities of the Catholic Church, in their religious communities and also in the wider cultural, social and political life. After obtaining the appropriate andragogical pedagogical education, candidates are employable as teachers of subjects such as Knowledge of Religion, Religion and Ethics and Religion and Culture in Primary School and Religion and Culture in Secondary School. After appropriate andragogical pedagogical training they can also work as educators in boarding schools. The programme allows them to continue in doctoral study or various advanced training programmes.
Presentation of Study Programmes (2021/2022)
Programme Administrator: Assoc. prof. Maria Carmela Palmisano, PhD.