- Matjaž Gams in Mari Jože Osredkar – Katoliški nauk in znanost o demografskih vprašanjih
Catholic Doctrine and Science on Demographic Issues - Sebastián Contreras-Aguirre – Speculative and Practical Theology in the Second Scholasticism: Melchor Cano (c. 1507–1560)
Spekulativna in praktična teologija druge sholastike: Melchor Cano (ok. 1507–1560) - Zdenko Širka – Orthodox Reading of Martin Luther: Protestantism as a Panheresy according to St Justin Popović
Pravoslavno branje Martina Lutra: protestantizem kot vse-herezija po sv. Justinu Popoviću - Martin Perčič – Koncept participacije Karola Wojtyła kot odgovor na medosebno odtujenost
Concept of Participation of Karol Wojtyła as a Response to Interpersonal Alienation - Nik Trontelj – Frančiškanski misijonarji med slovenskimi izseljenci v Egiptu v 19. in 20. stoletju
Franciscan Missionaries among the Slovene Emigrants in Egypt in the 19th and 20th Centuries - Grzegorz Szamocki – The Universalism of the Spirit of Prophecy in Numbers 11:26-29
Univerzalnost preroškega duha v 4 Mz 11,26-29 - Irena Avsenik Nabergoj – The Semantics of Love in the Song of Songs and Directions of Its Interpretation
Semantika ljubezni v Visoki pesmi in smeri njene interpretacije - Leon Debevec – Spatial Images in Biblical Texts: Exodus
Prostorske podobe v bibličnih besedilih: eksodus - Benaouda Bensaid and Tajulashikin Jumahat – Crossroads between Islamic Spirituality and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Presečišče islamske duhovnosti in četrte industrijske revolucije - Ivan Platovnjak – Kristjani smemo žalovati!: spodbuda za pastoralo žalujočih
Christians are allowed to grieve! Encouragement for the Pastoral Care of the Bereaved - Snežana Brumec in Nikolaj Aracki Rosenfeld – Primerjava življenjskih sprememb po romanju in po obsmrtnih izkušnjah
A Comparison of Life Changes After the Pilgrimage and Near-Death Experience - Mieczysław Polak – Catechesis in the Church’s Dialogue with the World
Kateheza pri dialogu Cerkve s svetom - Leszek Szewczyk – The Specific Content of Preaching the Word of God in a Secularized Environment
Specifična vsebina pridiganja o božji besedi v sekulariziranem okolju - Elżbieta Osewska and Józef Stala – The Human Being Lost in Consumerism: A Polish Perspective and Challenges in Religious Education
V potrošništvu izgubljeno človeško bitje: poljski pogled in izzivi verske vzgoje - Domen Kušar, Leon Oblak in Manja Kitek Kuzman – Lesena sakralna arhitektura v sodobni arhitekturni praksi
Wood in Modern Sacral Architecture