- Jean Greisch – « Qui nous sauvera ? » : la sotériologie comme problème herméneutique
»Kdo nas bo odrešil?«: soteriologija kot hermenevtični problem
“Who Will Save Us?”: Soteriology as a Hermeneutical Problem - Lan Thi Pham, Thanh Viet Nguyen, Hang Thi Nguyen, Huyen Thi Thanh Do,Khoa Ngoc Vo Nguyen and Quyet Thi Nguyen – Between Communitarianism and Confucianism: Charles Taylor and the Confucian Concept of Self in Comparative Perspective
Med komunitarizmom in konfucianizmom: Charles Taylor in konfucijanski koncept jaza v primerjalni perspektivi - Piotr Roszak – Aquinas on the Being in God and in Proper Nature
Akvinski o biti v Bogu in lastni naravi - Mateja Centa Strahovnik – Čustva in vloga telesa v kontekstu biblijskih zgodb
Emotions and the Role of the Body in the Context of Biblical Stories - Sonny Eli Zaluchu – Theological Insight of Digital Religion
Teološki vpogled v digitalno religijo - Pavel Frývaldský – Il carattere dialogico di ragione e fede secondo Joseph Ratzinger – Benedetto XVI
The Dialogical Character of Reason and Faith According to Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI
Dialoški značaj razuma in vere po Josephu Ratzingerju – Benediktu XVI. - Vid Žepič – Pope Benedict XVI’s Critique of Legal Positivism with Special
Regards to the Role of Tradition in Contemporary Legal Systems
Kritika pravnega pozitivizma papeža Benedikta XVI. s posebnim ozirom na vlogo tradicije v sodobnih pravnih sistemih - Marcin Godawa – Man Uttered by God: Personalistic Essence of Christian Contemplation According to T. Merton
Človek, ki ga izreka Bog: personalistično jedro krščanske kontemplacije po T. Mertonu - Janusz Podzielny – Das Recht auf die gerechte Verteidigung nach Janusz Nagórny (1950–2006)
The Right to a Legitimate Defense according to Janusz Nagórny (1950–2006)
Pravica do zakonite obrambe po Januszu Nagórnyju (1950–2006) - Željko Tanjić and Zoran Turza – The Ecclesiology of Pope Francis: A Critical Analysis of the Metaphor of the Church as Polyhedron
Ekleziologija papeža Frančiška: Kritična analiza metafore Cerkve kot poliedra - Srboljub Ubiparipović – Liturgiological Perspectives of the Relations between the Church of England and the Serbian Orthodox Church in the 19th–20th Centuries
Liturgiološke perspektive odnosov med Anglikansko Cerkvijo in Srbsko pravoslavno Cerkvijo med 19.–20. stoletjem - Gregor Hlebš – Uresničenje suženjstva s strani džihadistov „Islamske Države“ po konceptu sunitskega šeriata
The Implementation of Slavery by »Islamic State« Jihadists under the Concept of Sunni Shari’a - Jaša Drnovšek – O vplivu oberammergauskih pasijonskih iger na Pasijon Ksaverja Meška
On the Influence of the Oberammergau Passion Plays on the Passion of Ksaver Meško - Julijana Visočnik – ‚Anketiranje‘ v prvi polovici 19. stoletja: vprašalnice nadvojvode Janeza in njihov vpliv na škofa Avguština Gruberja ter Georga Götha
“Surveying” in the First Half of the 19th Century: Questionnaires of the Archduke John and Their Impact on the Bishop Augustin Gruber and Georg Göth - Jacek Zjawin – Religion Lessons Making Their Exit from Polish Schools Is an Opportunity for “Deschooling” Catechesis
Umik pouka verouka iz poljskih šol je priložnost za ‚razšolano‘ katehezo - Sara Jerebic – Evaluation of Educational and Practical Workshops on
Developing Positive Parenting “Families in the Centrifuge of Modern Times”
Evalvacija izobraževalnih in praktičnih delavnic na temo razvijanja pozitivnega starševstva „Družine v centrifugi sodobnega časa“ - Urška Mikolič in Mari Jože Osredkar – Psihološki in teološki vidik odnosa, v katerem so se znašli svojci dvoumno izgubljenega zapornika
Psychological and Theological Aspect of the Relationship in Which the Relatives Found Themselves with the Ambiguously Lost Prisoner