Objavljeno: 16.11.2017 | Posodobljeno: 11.12.2017 | Dogodek: 15.11.2017: Teološka fakulteta


V sredo, 15. 11. 2017 je na Teološki fakulteti gostoval izr. prof. dr. J. S. Cañizares, ki je imel predavanje z naslovom Ali ima duša za znanost še smiseln pomen?
Izr. prof. dr. Cañizares je doktoriral iz fizike na Avtonomni univerzi v Madridu in iz teologije na Papeški univerzi Sv. Križa v Rimu. Trenutno je zaposlen na Univerzi v Navarri na Filozofski fakulteti.

Posredujemo vam kratek povzetek predavanja, ki je bilo v angleškem jeziku.

The Mind-Brain Problem:
Is the Soul Still Meaningful in Science?

Javier Sánchez-Cañizares

According to Mircea Eliade, the term “soul” can be found in every period of history, in every civilization, in every philosophical anthropology, and in every religious understanding. However, references to the soul are practically non-existent in contemporary empirical sciences. Are there sufficient reasons for it? My contribution aims to answer this question in the negative in two steps: (1) showing the general tendency in modern science to identify causality with efficient causality and emergence with epistemic or weak emergence; and (2) presenting evidences which point towards a recovery of formal causation in current science. Such recovery may allow to understand the soul as the ultimate, formal, top-down principle of determination for the human body—what really makes us humans—and opens up a more comprehensive understanding of the human being’s immaterial activities as well as the possibility of an immaterial existence of the human soul after death