Objavljeno: 6.5.2019 | Posodobljeno: 14.5.2019 | Dogodek: 9.5.2019 ob 10:00: Predavalnica št. 5


Vabimo vas na gostujoče predavanje filozofa dr. Briana Besonga (Ohio Dominican University, Columbus, Ohio, ZDA), ki bo v četrtek, 9. maja ob 10. uri, na Teološki fakulteti v predavalnici štev. 5. 
Predavanje nosi naslov Moralna teologija in kazuistika (Moral Theology and Casuistry) in bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku. 

Kratek uvod v tematiko predavanja: In the past half-century, Roman Catholic moral theology has seen a sharp rejection of the trend that dominated the discipline for at least several hundred years: the so-called “manualist” tradition and its attendant casuistry. In this talk, I seek to evaluate the arguments that motivated manualism’s rejection, arguing that they are unsuccessful and that closer attention to the details of Thomistic prudence lends itself to a rebirth of the manualist enterprise.

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