CEEPUS zgodbe študentov


Študenti in profesorji o poletni šoli Bioethics and Education v Ljubljani


prof. dr. Marian Machinek

It is always an inspiring experience to see how academic teaching is organised elsewhere. Thanks to the wide and widespread knowledge of English among students and teachers in Slovenia, academic exchange does not involve any language problems. In Ljubljana, the openness to such cooperation is evident, not only among the organisers of the summer school, but also among the authorities of the Faculty of Theology. The presence of teachers from other European universities and attending their lectures and workshops was also inspiring. It was a great idea to organise one of the summer school sessions with the theme 'Bioethics Education' at a Catholic school - one of the best in the whole region. The warm welcome and excellent organisation of the summer school must also be emphasised, with a good balance between intensive academic work and getting to know the city and the country.

prof. dr. Martina Schmidhuber

The Summer School “Bioethics and Education” in Ljubljana was very enriching for me as a professor. It was great to talk to so many interested international students! Thank you for having me!

Stanislav Slovák

The Summer School at the Faculty of Theology in Ljubljana enchanted us all, mainly because of your absolute professionalism, the highest level of expertise and your infinite willingness to be available to us at all times. How you managed to fill the week for us cannot be summarized in a few sentences... But what can be said in one word, thank you!

Laura Erceg

It was an enriching journey filled with valuable insights. I acquired a wealth of new information and had the pleasure of connecting with numerous individuals. Ljubljana proved to be an enchanting destination, allowing us to explore its architectural wonders. As I depart, I carry with me enhanced communication abilities, digital proficiency, and a deeper understanding of different cultures. I intend to apply these newfound skills both in my ongoing education and future endeavours. The organizers meticulously curated the program and treated us to captivating excursions, making the experience truly memorable.

Korina Kitanović

CEEPUS is a project that I have been looking forward to ever since I left for Ljubljana. First of all, I was delighted by the greenery and cleanliness of the whole Slovenia, and then the student life in Ljubljana. This country is an example and proof that bioethical problems such as climate change can be changed with just a little effort and education of people. We were just talking about this at the summer school at the theology faculty. All the topics we discussed are very important for a better change and a better view of the world we live in, because if there were no such projects and professors who worked hard for CEEPUS lectures, there would be no human awareness or empathy.

Jovana Stefanoska

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for having me on this summer school. I am grateful for the opportunity and the experience that came with it. Secondly, I would like to share a few thoughts about my experience:

Attending the Bioethics and Education Summer School was a transformative experience that enriched both my knowledge and social circle. Throughout the program, I attended thought-provoking discussions and gained knowledge that broadened my understanding of ethical dilemmas in the realm of bioethics and educating future generations about bioethics. Interacting with a diverse group of individuals, each with their unique perspectives, sparked intriguing conversations and brought forth lasting connections. These newfound friendships, which started from shared intellectual curiosity, quickly became an integral part of my life. I was challenged to perceive the world through different lenses, and I left the summer school with an appreciation for the complexities of ethical decision-making and the deep impact of human connections.

Thirdly and lastly, this summer school has been the highlight of my year so far and I hope to meet you all again in the future.

Alexandru Iovu 

A fascinating experience, full of learning, good humor and wonderful people. The lessons were very well prepared, full of useful information and depth. We discovered a wonderful country, full of places worth visiting, welcoming atmosphere, good food and wonderful hosts. Everything was well put together and organized. I would always enjoy coming back to this university and this faculty. My thanks to Professor Roman and all those involved in making these wonderful days happen.

Petra Mikić in Petra Mandić

Petra Mikić

I must emphasize that I came to the summer school with very little prior knowledge of bioethics, as I had only heard a small portion of it in my first year of study. For that reason, I am very grateful that the professors started from the very beginning so that we could all follow what was being discussed. The lectures were very interesting and informative, and what I liked was the fact that at the end of each lecture, I could hear opinions and questions from people from all over the world, thus expanding my perspectives and knowledge. I also really liked that part of the time was set aside for going on a trip because through that trip, I experienced new things and insights, and I thought about things that I don't usually think about in everyday life. I am very happy that I had the opportunity to participate in this summer school, to meet many people, and to enrich myself with a wonderful experience.

Petra mandić

My experience with the summer school at the Faculty of Theology in Ljubljana was better than I expected. I really liked that professors from different countries held their lectures on various topics, so no lecture was boring; it was very interesting, and they constantly involved us during the lectures to express our opinions, whether we agreed or disagreed, etc. Also, they made sure we weren't constantly at the faculty, so they organized a trip to the Škocjan Caves, which amazed me, as well as a visit to the Strunjan Salt Pans and the Adriatic coast. We concluded the entire trip with a visit to a farm where we had a perfect dinner paired with wine tasting. I'm really glad I signed up for this project because it's been a unique experience that has enriched me in terms of knowledge and experience. I've met a lot of people from different countries and exchanged experiences in many areas. Everyone welcomed and hosted us nicely, and at no point did I feel like a stranger. 

Anja Tolj and Tea Kretić

Anja Tolj

While the impressions from the summer school at the Faculty of Theology in Ljubljana are still settling in, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizers for the exceptional dedication, professionalism and kindness they provided to us during our stay in Ljubljana. I am enriched with new knowledge in the field of bioethics, and I still think more deeply about certain topics and come to new conclusions. In addition, I had the opportunity to experience life in Ljubljana and to visit parts of Slovenia that I had never been to, and whose natural beauty amazed me and made me want to come back again with the desire to explore what Slovenia's nature has to offer. Also, I met many people from different countries with different cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs. By spending time with them and sharing my thoughts and impressions, I broadened my own horizons. Thanks again for a wonderful experience!


Tea Kretić

A wonderful experience. I gained a lot of new knowledge, met a lot of new people. Ljubljana is a wonderful city, we had the opportunity to visit all the most important buildings. I leave with developed communication skills and digital skills as well as intercultural competences. I will use the knowledge in my further education, and later in my business. The organizers designed the program very nicely and took us on very interesting excursions.

Samuel Kofi Adjei in Bodella Subbanna

Samuel Kofi Adjei

The Summer School was absolutely amazing and enlightening. Great information was presented logically with appropriate resources to deep-dive into specifics which was an eye opener. It was helpful to alleviate broad misconception about GMOs, particularly about the controversies surrounding it. The overall statement about the summer school was good and interesting as well as enjoyable. The presenters kept the attention of their students by involving them in the discourse. The main points of the presentations were emphasized with an appropriate amount of information backed by examples. The introduction and the conclusions were adequate.

I also had the opportunity to make new friends who are really nice and pleasant to share ideas with. Moreover, I had the opportunity to see Slovenia and the beautiful sight-seeing especially the caves and other special places. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to taste Slovenian culture in terms of their traditional dishes, dialect, and general kindness and generosity. I wish to come again.

Bodella Subbanna

The summer school in Ljubljana gave me an enriching experience. It was a combination of different aspects of human development such as academic, ecological, and cultural. 

Academic: All those themes that were dealt during this summer school were very contextual. Through our discussions I felt that we were not just audience but participants and contributors.

Ecological: Excursion to Škocjan Caves and Strunjanske Soline reminded me of my responsibility towards nature. It was a wonderful feeling of being in touch with the nature.

Cultural: Being an Indian, I was really blessed to be one among many people of different nations. I would call it ‘rainbow of cultures’. It was an opportunity for all of us to share our life experiences. On behalf of all the participants I say a big thanks to the University of Ljubljana.

Magdalena Tiehen

I’d like to thank you all involved in organizing the summer school. What an extraordinary experience that was! From sleeping at the student dorms, to the tour of Ljubjana center, to learning about Bioethical issues, and engaging in lively conversations with fellow students. I continue to be impressed with the ingenuity and hard work behind the BIOSEM learning platform. I look forward to finishing up the modules and having it as a resource for the future. I am encouraged that we all can play a part in bringing awareness to the bioethical issues of today. Thank you for the opportunity to learn!

Gabriela Prochazkova

I really enjoyed Summer School in Ljubljana. The theme was Bioethics and Education, I enjoyed the most lessons about GMO (genetically modified organisms). We also visited sea side and beautiful village in the mountains. Faculty of Theology of University of Ljubljana did really great job and we all had a wonderful time in Slovenia!

Jana Adamczyk Vicherová

For me, it was the first time at my age that I took advantage of a study stay. It was wonderful. I can't complain about anything. You have been very accommodating to me regarding my daughter Jana. The best things for her were the relationships and friendships we made.

As for the lessons, it was wonderful and well organized. I was very worried about my English, but by Wednesday I understood everything. I thought it would be nameless and anonymous, but on the contrary, it was very interactive.

My first university education is a water manager for drinking water and my second is a psychotherapist. The connection with Bioethics in the field in which my husband and I want to open a practice is palliative care and the operation of a mobile hospice in the town of Šenov near Ostrava. I will be a psychotherapist and social worker, my husband will be a director and fundraiser, and my daughter will be a head nurse. Bioethics is reflected in our opposition to euthanasia. Life is a gift and no one has the right to shorten it. In this day and age of medical progress, I know that it is possible to die with dignity and without pain, in the place we call home. We have pushed death into institutional care and thus reduced our adaptability to life losses. Many people live with feelings of guilt that they could not take care of their loved ones. And we want to make it possible for them to do so, so that they can pass on healthy patterns to future generations.

Thank you very much for the attention and willingness you have given to my daughter and me.

Barbara Pečlin o poletni šoli na Dunaju

Za študijsko izmenjavo preko CEEPUS-a sem se odločila že tretjič. Tokrat sem odšla na Univerzo na Dunaju, kjer je Katoliška teološka fakulteta organizirala zimsko šolo z naslovom »Trajnost kot izziv. Interdisciplinarni pristop«. Trajnost je način gledanja na svet in naše mesto v njem, učna ura o modrosti, obzirnosti do drugega in drugih. Korona je morda postavila naš svet na glavo, a hkrati nas je neizogibno soočila z moralnimi dilemami in vprašanji o lastnem življenju. Poleg predavanj strokovnjakov se vedno čas nameni tudi študentom in tako lahko vsak posameznik doda svoj kamenček v mozaik znanja.                                                               
Vsaka taka mobilnost v drugi državi prinese veliko novih izkušenj in poznanstev. Spoznavanje drugih univerz, načina dela in strokovnjakov se mi zdi potreba in dolžnost vsakega, v študij vpetega, posameznika. Biti del tovrstnih predavanj je edinstvena priložnost za izmenjavo znanja in izkušenj s študenti in profesorji drugih držav. Včasih tehtamo, katero pot izbrati. Zaključim lahko, da je moje srce radosti polno, ko se moj dan s predavanji, doma ali v tujini, konča. Torej je pot prava.
Zelo sem hvaležna za to izkušnjo in jo vsekakor priporočam tudi drugim študentom.

Martina Glušič na izmenjavi na Dunaju                                           

Dunaj je čudovita in kulturno bogata svetovna metropola, v kateri je življenje zelo zanimivo. Ponuja ogromno turističnih znamenitosti in kulturnih dogodkov (izlet na Kahlenberg, Prater, dunajska opera, palača Schoenbrunn, Belvedere, katedrala sv. Štefana, živalski vrt, veliko parkov in ostalih stvareh...). Zaradi korona situacije je bilo tekom moje izmenjave življenje na Dunaju omejeno. Univerza na Dunaju nudi veliko število predmetov, ki jih lahko obiskujejo tudi nenemško govoreči študenti.  Izpite je možno opravljati v angleščini. Prisotnost in sodelovanje na predavanjih sta obvezna.                                                                                                           
Na Dunaju študenti lahko živijo v zasebnih stanovanjih/sobah ali pa v študentskih domovih. Povpraševanje po študentskih domovih je zelo veliko in cenovno niso ugodni (ca. 300-500 EUR). Jaz sem dva tedna pred odhodom našla sobo pri časnih sestrah za 150 EUR. Stanovanje sem delila s tremi tujimi študentkami, kar je bila ena lepa izkušnja. Stanovanje je bilo povezano s samostanom v sklopu katerega je kapelica, kjer smo lahko skupaj s sestrami šle na sveto mašo.                                                                                   
Kar se pa prehrane tiče, na Dunaju ni študentskih bonov kot v Ljubljani. Obstajajo pa cenovno sprejemljive restavracije in menze na fakultetah. V menzah nisem jedla, ker so bile največ časa zaprte zaradi korone.
Kot prevoz sem koristila podzemno železnico, kolo in skiro.

Na koncu še lahko rečem, da je preživeti en semester na Dunaju bila ena zelo lepa izkušnja. Kljub temu, da sem dva od štirih mesecev izmenjave preživela za časa zaprtja, smo imeli ves čas online predavanja, prav tako pa sem pridobila nova poznanstva.
Mogoče kot edino slabo stvar bi izločila organizacijo na fakulteti (npr. vpis na fakulteto, pridobitev študentske številke...). Ko sem kot tuja študentka prišla na Univerzo v Ljubljani, sem vse takoj uredila, brez težav; na Dunaju pa je treba malo več strpnosti.
Meni je Dunaj ostal v zelo lepem spominu in bi se rada še kdaj vrnila. Prepričana sem, da tudi ne bo razočaral nobenega, ki se bo za njega odločil :)

Če bi imel kdo kakršnokoli vprašanje v zvezi z Dunajem, lako me kontaktira na: martina.gluscic@gmail.com


Eva Kržišnik in Barbara Pečlin na poletni šoli v Olomoucu

Virtualna »poletna« šola se mi je zdela odlična priložnost za mednarodno povezovanje in izmenjavo izkušenj kljub ali pa ravno v času pandemije koronavirusa. Ta je morda obrnil naš svet na glavo, hkrati pa nas neizogibno soočil z moralnimi dilemami in vprašanji o lastnem življenju, etičnosti in globalni povezanosti, o čemer smo se izobraževali in izmenjevali mnenja v okviru »poletne« šole z naslovom Learning Ethics Through the Pandemic. Predavatelji so nam znali izvrstno približati teme, s katerimi se ukvarjajo kot strokovnjaki na svojih področjih, ter spodbujali aktivno participacijo vseh udeležencev, da smo lahko vsi veliko pridobili iz te izkušnje za oblikovanje lastnega kritičnega pogleda tako na pandemijo kot na življenje v današnjem svetu v splošnem. Zelo sem hvaležna za to izkušnjo in jo priporočam tudi ostalim, če boste imeli kdaj možnost česa podobnega. Več o izkušnji pa lahko izveš na podcastu.

Eva Križišnik 

Vabilo na "poletno" šolo z naslovom »Learning Ethics Through the Pandemic: What Can COVID Teach us About the World, Human Society, and Ourselves« me je že na prvi pogled pritegnilo. Kaj bi nas le lahko pandemija naučila?
Pandemija je postavila pod vprašaj očitna dejstva, ki smo jih v našem sistemu imeli za samoumevna, odprla je številna filozofska, sociološka in tudi ali predvsem etična vprašanja, presenetila je zdravstvene sisteme in pokazala, kako so pripravljeni na tak izziv. Ampak kot pravi stari pregovor, da je v vsaki stvari nekaj dobrega, ostajam optimistična, da bomo iz te pandemije odšli boljši in okrepljeni kot družba.

Z veseljem sem čakala na "poletno" šolo, ker je ponujala mednarodno udeležbo profesorjev in študentov ter ostalih strokovnjakov iz Poljske, Madžarske, Češke in Slovenije. Organizacijo je prevzela Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Olomucu na Češkem in kot skoraj vse dejavnosti letos se je tudi ta odvijala virtualno. Najprej smo imeli obveznosti preko gradiva v e-učilnici (februarja in marca), kasneje pa smo se družili še on-line v živo, in sicer 18., 23., in 25. marca. Predelana tematika mi je potrdila, da reševanje pandemije ni le na plečih znanstvenikov in zdravstvenih delavcev, ampak je odgovornost nas vseh. Nepremišljeno ravnanje, ki na videz zadeva zgolj nas same, lahko postane grožnja za vse, ki so bili izpostavljen tveganju okužbe. Tako hitro odkrijemo, kako je varnost enega odvisna od varnosti vseh. In če se v zaključku še navežem na papeževo okrožnico Vsi smo bratje (2020, 18), ki jo gradi na ideji bratstva, ki »izhaja iz skupne pripadnosti človeški družini«, kar pomeni, da se lahko prepoznavamo kot bratje; vsi smo »na istem čolnu in potemtakem potrebni zavedanja, da se v globaliziranem in medsebojno povezanem svetu lahko rešimo samo skupaj«.
Sodelovanje pri "poletni" šoli mi je dalo širino, pogled iz druge perspektive in nenazadnje novo upanje za svet po pandemiji.

Barbara Pečlin

Nik Trontelj na mobilnosti v Pragi

Na mesečno mobilnost preko Ceepusa je odšel tudi doktorski študent Nik Trontelj. Kako se je imel v Pragi pa lahko prebereš iz zapisa.

Sem doktorski študent (področje Teologija) na Teološki fakulteti. Ponujeno priložnost enomesečne izmenjave, namenjene dodatnemu raziskovanju področja moje disertacije, sem sprejel z velikim zanimanjem. V Pragi sem bil gostujoči študent na Fakulteti za humanistične študije, ki je članica slovite Karlove univerze, ene najstarejših evropskih univerz. Čas moje izmenjave v češki prestolnici je bil koristen za opravljanje mojih študijskih obveznosti, hkrati pa tudi lepa izkušnja spoznavanja mesta, ki sem ga obiskal prvič.                                                                                                                                                                                              
V študijskem smislu so bili dragoceni pogovori s tamkajšnjim mentorjem, obiski knjižnic različnih fakultet in srečanje z domačim jezikom – pri svojem študiju sem z nekaj truda uporabil tudi posamezne češke vire. Z osebjem na fakulteti sem se sporazumeval v angleškem jeziku, ki sem ga uporabil tudi pri pisanju svoje raziskovalne razprave. Vsi fakultetni sodelavci, s katerimi sem se srečal (zaposleni v mednarodni pisarni, knjižnično osebje, mentor idr.), so bili ustrežljivi in pripravljeni pomagati pri katerikoli študijski ali praktični zadevi v zvezi z mojo izmenjavo.                                                                                                                                                 
Izmenjava je bila zame dobrodošla tudi v pridobivanju praktičnih veščin in širjenju osebnih obzorij. Življenje v velikem mestu je svojevrsten izziv v mnogih pogledih. Potrebno je usvojiti sistem javnega prevoza in dobro spoznati različne dele mesta, kar omogoči načrtovanje obiska različnih institucij in gibanje v prostem času. Podobno se je treba prilagoditi uporabi tuje denarne valute. V vsakodnevnem življenju se je možno povsem naravno naučiti osnovnega lokalnega izrazoslovja.                                                          
Končno je Praga tudi okolje pestre turistične ponudbe in mnogih znamenitosti, ki obiskovalca kar vabijo k občudovanju. Svoje bivanje v mestu ob Vltavi bom ohranil v najlepšem spominu.  

Neža Bizjan in njena izkušnja poletne šole v Olomucu

Svojo izkušnjo izmenjave preko Ceepus-a sem dobila v okviru poletne šole bioetike na Češkem. Glede na to, da sem bila edina slovenska udeleženka, so se mi porajali resni dvomi o odhodu. Kljub vsemu sem spakirala in odšla v Olomuc.

Že takoj ob prihodu na Češko sem ugotovila, da je bila odločitev pravilna. Od trenutka, ko sem stopila na češka tla in vse do prihoda nazaj v Slovenijo sem se počutila, kot da bi stopila med stare znance. Cel teden smo skupaj jedli, hodili na predavanja ter spoznavali mesto in njegovo okolico. Razlog, zakaj resnično priporočam tako vrsto izmenjave, so predavanja. Nabor različnih strokovnjakov, ki temo poletne šole predstavijo pod različnimi vidiki, vsakomur razširi obzorja.

Navkljub komuniciranju v angleščini, nemščini in mešanici slovanskih jezikov smo uspeli splesti resnične vezi in poznanstva, ki nas bodo spremljala skozi celo življenje. Zame je bila ta poletna šola posebna tudi zato, ker sem tam praznovala svojo rojstni dan. Kot že rečeno – s svojimi starimi znanci.

Poletno šolo resnično priporočam vsem, ki se odločate za daljšo študijsko izmenjavo, saj ponuja lep predokus avanture, ki vas čaka tam. Le pogumno!

Matjaž Vidmar na izmenjavi v Zagrebu

Sem Matjaž Vidmar, študent na Teološki fakulteti v Ljubljani. Za izmenjavo sem se odločil v tretjem letniku UTR programa. Izbral sem si študijsko mesto Zagreb. Izmenjave sem se želel udeležiti že pred leti in tako se mi je uresničila želja v zadnjem letniku. Na Hrvaškem sem preživel drugi študijski semester.

Rekel bi, da je izmenjava zelo dobra izkušnja, ki seveda terja tudi nekaj žrtvovanja. Toda dejstvo je, da če tega ne bi doživel, bi si kasneje v življenju zagotovo očital, da te možnosti nisem izkoristil. Na splošno je bilo lepo, nova izkušnja, kjer spoznaš veliko novega v novem okolju, spleteš nove prijateljske vezi hkrati pa spoznavaš tujo kulturo. Na »lastni koži« doživiš to izkušnjo.

Menim, da je bilo na splošno res lepo doživetje. Kar je vredno omeniti je, da so bili profesorji zelo prilagodljivi, tako domači, kot tudi na tuji univerzi. Prav tako me je lepo sprejela tudi okolica. Bilo je le nekaj logističnih nevšečnosti na začetku izmenjave, a to smo kasneje uskladili.

Skratka, to izkušnjo priporočam tistim, ki želijo izkusiti nekaj novega in ki se ne bojijo izzivov. Če pa se pojavi kakšna ovira ali težava, pa je vedno rešljiva, tako da kar pogumno.