Tradition in the Unity and Dialogue
(Tradicija v edinosti in dialogu) - MAKSIMILIJAN MATJAŽ
Dialog as a primary Mission of the Theology
(Dialog kot primarno poslanstvo teologije)
Interreligious Dialogue and repeated (new) Evangelization in Slovenia
Medverski dialog in (po)nov(n)a evangelizacija v Sloveniji - LEON DEBEVEC
Architectural paths to Christian Unity
Arhitekturne poti h krščanski edinosti - ALEŠ MAVER
Rufinus's Church History at the Crossroads of East and West
Rufinova cerkvena zgodovina na križišču Vzhoda in Zahoda - VINKO ŠKAFAR
Franc Grivec's Contribution in Evaluating St. Cyril and Methodius
Prispevek Franca Grivca pri ovrednotenju sv. Cirila in Metoda - MARTINA OROŽEN
Cyrill-Metodiana of the 19th and 20th Century
Ciril-metodiana 19. in 20. stoletja - IVAN PLATOVNJAK
The Communal Spirituality of Saints Brothers Cyril and Methodius
Občestvena duhovnost svetih bratov Cirila in Metoda - TADEJ STEGU
St. Cyril and Methodius' Evangelisation approach in Moravia in the light of contemporary pastoral catechetical Planning
Evangelizacijski pristop sv. Cirila in Metoda na Moravskem v luči današnjega pastoralnega načrtovanja - ANDREJ ŠEGULA
The Evangelization of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius - a challenge for pastoral Work even today?
Evangelizacija svetih bratov Cirila in Metoda – izziv za pastoralno delo tudi danes? - MARI OSREDKAR
Presence of the names Cyril and Methodius among the Slovenes of the 20th and 21st Century
Pojavnost imen Ciril in Metod na Slovenskem v zadnjih 100 letih - VLADIMIR VUKAŠINOVIĆ
Bishop Athanasius’s (Jevtić) contribution to the contemporary liturgical Polemics in the SPC
Doprinos episkopa Atanasija (Jevtića) savremenoj liturgijskoj polemici u SPC - MARIJA STANONIK
Chronological Overview of the Motifs of the holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius in the Slovenian Poetry I
Kronološki pregled motivike pri svetih bratih Cirilu in Metodu v slovenskem pesnjenju I
Approach to Ss. Cyril and Methodius as the Patrons of Europe
Sveta brata Ciril in Metoda kot zavetnika Evrope - VINKO ŠKAFAR
Stanko Janežič (1920 – 2010), Slovenian Ecumenican Theologian
Stanko Janežič, slovenski ekumenski teolog
The Cornerstone for the Islamic Cultural Centre in Ljubljana: realization of 44 Years long Dreams
Temeljni kamen islamskega centra v Ljubljani: uresničitev 44 let dolgih sanj - MILAN KUZMINAC
The celebration of 1700 Years of the Edict of Milan
Praznovanja 1700 let milanskega edikta