- Branko Klun – Problem religioznega izkustva v digitalno transformiranem svetu: Eksistencialno fenomenološki pristop
The Problem of Religious Experience in a Digitally Transformed World: An Existential-Phenomenological Approach - Andrej Šegula – Priložnosti in pasti umetne inteligence v pastorali
Opportunities and Pitfalls of Artificial Intelligence in Pastorale - Józef Stala – “To be” or “To Have” in the Consumerist Reality of the Postmodern Society
‚Biti‘ ali ‚imeti‘ v potrošniški realnosti postmoderne družbe - Jan Dominik Bogataj in Anja Božič – Enej Silvij Piccolomini in slovenski prostor: novi viri za njegovo tržaško obdobje
Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini and the Slovenian Territory: New Sources for his Period in Trieste - Vid Žepič – Monald Koprski in zastavna pogodba v delu Summa de iure canonico
Monaldus Iustinopolitanus and the Pledge Contract in Summa de iure canonico - Špela Chomicki, Renato Podbersič in Darko Friš – »Vse, kar je lahko nemštvu na poti, mora izginiti – tudi duhovniki«: Župnija Sv. Trojica v Halozah v obdobju druge svetovne vojne
“Anything That Can Stand in the Way of Germanism Must Disappear – even Priests”: The Parish of Sv. Trojica in Haloze during the Second World War - Máté Joób – The Transgenerational Effects of Church Collaboration under the Communist-Socialist Regime
Transgeneracijski učinki sodelovanja Cerkve v komunistično-socialističnem režimu - Pap Levente – The Apostolic Puzzle: Illyricum Sacrum and the Origins of Christianity in the Ancient Roman Province
Apostolska uganka: Illyricum Sacrum in začetki krščanstva v starodavni rimski provinci - Pavel Krafl – Ordination of the Clergy and Ecclesiastical Law: A Brief Overview of the Ordination Law of Czech Dioceses in the Middle Ages
Ordinacija duhovnikov in cerkveno pravo: kratek pregled ordinacijskega prava čeških škofij v srednjem veku - Bogusław Kochaniewicz – Dominicans Towards the Liturgical Celebration of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (13th –16th Centuries)
Odnos dominikancev do liturgičnega praznovanja brezmadežnega spočetja Device Marije (13.–16. stoletje) - Emil Salim – Working from Home: Insights from The Rule of St. Benedict
Delo od doma: spoznanja iz Pravila svetega Benedikta - Sara Jerebic and Jasminka Zloković – Promotion of Mental Health through Interdisciplinary Collaboration of Family Pedagogy and Family Therapy in the Education Programme from the Perspective of Students’ Experience
Spodbujanje duševnega zdravja z interdisciplinarnim sodelovanjem družinske pedagogike in družinske terapije v študijskem programu z vidika doživljanja študentov - Damijan Ganc and Drago Jerebic – The Application of Psychotherapeutic Interventions into Pastoral Practice: Possibilities and Reflections
Uporaba psihoterapevtskih intervencij v pastoralni praksi: možnosti in razmisleki - Nataša Vrbnjak – Relacijska travma pri posvojenih otrocih in njene posledice
Relational Trauma in Adopted Children and Its Consequences